Goodbye, Summer Camp and Hello, Afterschool!

Summer camp has ended with a bang! Although we’ll miss our campers, we’re so excited to see them in just a few weeks for afterschool. At Reconnection Summer, our campers spent six weeks in a nurturing and empowering environment, and came out stronger, more resilient and happier. Summer programs like ours can alter the entire trajectory of a child’s life after what happened to them during this pandemic.
Be sure to follow us on social media and to check back on our “news” page for all the fun, learning, and growth our kids will have this school year! Just like our summer camp, our afterschool program is filled with opportunities for creativity, exploration, and affirmation. We’re excited to again be able to offer in-person programming, and look forward to providing a safe, nurturing, and empowering environment for our K-5 afterschool students!