Media Release: New Data Shows Operation Shoestring Students Make Gains in Academics & Behavior
Students in Operation Shoestring’s afterschool programs are making significant gains in academic performance and behavior at school, according to new findings from an independent evaluation conducted as a component of a W. K. Kellogg Foundation grant providing support for the programs. The evaluators found evidence of statistically significant gains in academic performance and behavior for all elementary students, Pre-K – 5th, and academic gains for middle school students, 6th – 8th (behavioral data was not available for middle school students) during the last academic year, August 2014 – May 2015.
“We are extremely proud of these results, including the fact that we’re seeing such prominent gains made at the Pre-Kindergarten level, where building that early foundation for children to succeed is so important. When we can ensure that our children are getting the solid start they need at school, that opens the door to continued success throughout their educational careers,” said Robert Langford, Executive Director of Operation Shoestring.
These findings are in line with more than a decade of research (that can be found on the Afterschool Alliance website here) confirming that quality afterschool programs inspire and motivate children to learn, support children’s social and emotional growth, and help raise their academic achievement.
“It is affirming to see that the hard work we have put into researching and emulating best practices, and shaping them to best meet the individual needs of each of our students—and their families—is paying off,” said Amber May, Programs Director of Operation Shoestring. “While we are able to witness the benefit our children and families are receiving from our programs on a day-to-day basis, it’s incredibly rewarding to have this new data confirm their quality and efficacy in a clear, measurable way.”
Operation Shoestring’s afterschool programs are operated in partnership with the schools in their central Jackson service community: Galloway Elementary, Brown Elementary and Rowan Middle Schools. Currently, they serve a combined total of just over 300 students, Pre-K – 8th, through these programs.