Dr. Tonyatta T. Hairston Talks Operation Shoestring
We speak with Dr. Tonyatta T. Hairston, Owner and Optometrist at EnVision Eye Care & Optical Boutique, about her experience working with Operation Shoestring (OS) and how Operation Shoestring is supporting local families and local communities.
My relationship with Operation Shoestring has been long standing. As a native of Jackson, I had always heard about Operation Shoestring, but I didn’t really get involved until I was a member of the Junior League of Jackson. It was one of my volunteer sites as a provisional member, and I absolutely adored it.
I fell in love with the ideal of what Operation Shoestring provided for the community.
For two weeks out of the summer, a group of us would come and do reading lessons with the five-year-olds at Project Rise. From the onset of being there, I fell in love with the ideal of what Operation Shoestring provided for the community. I still remember the book we read together—Brown Bear, Brown Bear! The kids absolutely loved the book, and it was a joy to work with them.
Additionally, through my work with the LINKS of Lefleur’s Bluff, we were able to provide toys to every child in the program in the 2021 Angel Tree. When I walked into the new Shoestring building, I was so impressed with the facility. The children were well-mannered, the building was beautiful and clean, and I appreciated the COVID-19 precautions. It felt like a well-oiled machine. I was struck by the spirit of the children there, and how they were waving and just really sweet and thoughtful.
I’m just so proud to be a part of this.
I think sometimes, depending on who you are talking to, people in certain communities can get a bad rap for behavior and socio-economic issues. But kids are kids. There are needs to be met. And Operation Shoestring is doing that. I just felt very blessed to be in the presence of children who had love in their hearts, and who were getting things done. They were all working on their schoolwork! The spirit of the children at Operation Shoestring is just amazing, and I wish that message could be shared. I’m just so proud of the work that Shoestring is doing.
Being fortunately blessed to be in a meaningful career, having the ability to provide this type of support—that’s what this is all about. It’s about sharing with children who have needs we can meet. It’s a wonderful blessing to be able to share. Hats off to Operation Shoestring and hats off to the people who have supported them over the years. I’m just so proud to be a part of this. I’m a product of Jackson Public Schools, and I’m a product of Jackson. I want to see us as a community shine and have positivity. Operation Shoestring is that positivity.