Dayun’s Story

Dayun, in the 4th grade, is the kind of kid some people might call a troublemaker. He’s quick to anger, and often the source of emotional outbursts and disruptions to group activities. In the words of his teacher here at Shoestring, Star Pool, “He’s the kind of kid you worry about slipping through the cracks.”

Which is why she knew what an important breakthrough it was earlier this year when she saw Dayun take a real interest in a group activity for the first time.

“I’ll never forget it. It was like a whole new Dayun emerged. I’d challenged his group to set up a chain of dominoes to fall in a line, and he was one of the few who took an immediate interest. Every ounce of his energy was focused on delicately placing each piece at the perfect distance and angle without accidentally triggering the others.”

His focus was contagious, and by the end, everyone was involved, and Dayun had emerged as the master of the project, directing the rest of his peers. By the time the set-up was complete and the chain was set off, everyone was cheering—and Dayun was the hero.

That day changed something in Dayun. Since then, he’s shown a new interest in what’s happening around him. He’s gone from grudgingly handing in half-complete work, to taking on the role of class homework helper—a role he takes very seriously.

His anger has been replaced with a sense of self-assurance and pride. “He needed to know he was seen. That he’s valued. And he certainly is,” said Star.

Our programs are empowering children, teens and parents to identify and create their own success…and we are changing a community in the process.

You can be a part of this change.

Your investment in the children and families who are struggling to find their way to a brighter future is what it takes to begin the shift toward a better, brighter path for all of Jackson, Mississippi, and beyond.

We are seeing progress made every day and the children in our programs are outperforming their peers in the same schools, graduating at a higher rate, and making their way to careers in nursing, teaching, the military, and more.

Please make a gift today to help children like Dayun find their confidence and succeed.

The future is what we make it, together.