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2024-2025 Enrollment Application
Afterschool Enrollment 2024-2025
Please complete an application for each child to be considered for enrollment.
Student Information
Today's Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Has your child enrolled in our program before?
If yes, when?
How did you hear about our afterschool program?
Child's Name
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Last Four Digits of Social Security Number
MSIS Number
Birth Certificate
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Please upload a copy of the child’s birth certificate.
Date of Birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
School Attending
Walton Elementary School
Galloway Elementary School
What will be your child's grade in August 2024?
Shirt Size
Youth Small
Youth Medium
Youth Large
Youth Extra Large
Adult Small
Adult Medium
Adult Large
Adult Extra Large
Pant Size
Shoe Size
Please list three things your child enjoys.
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent/Guardian Name
Date of Birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Last Four Digits of Social Security Number
ID of Parent/Guardian
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Please upload a copy of the parent/guardian’s ID.
Marital Status
Are you the head of household?
Education Level Completed
Please write the full names of everyone in your household, and include the relationship to the child being enrolled.
Are you employed?
If yes, who is your employer?
Employer's Phone Number
Employer's Address
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
Income Information
How often do you currently receive income?
Twice Monthly
Amount Received
Name of Employer for Any Other Individual Living in the Home
Please include individual’s name, employer’s name, employer’s address, employer’s phone number.
List the Type and Amount for Any Other Sources of Income
Please include Child Support, TANF, Social Security, Unemployment, Food Stamps, Utility Check/HUD, Disability, Pension/Retirement.
Proof of Income
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Please upload proof of income.
Child's Name
Please write the full name, phone number, and relationship to the enrolled child for two emergency contacts. The person filling out this form should not list themselves as an emergency contact in the form below.
Please list individuals to be notified in an emergency situation other than the parent/guardian. Include Name, Relationship to Child, and Phone Number. The above persons may also pick up the child from Operation Shoestring. I understand that the persons listed must present proper identification if requested.
Child's Name
Parent/Guardian's Name
Photography/Videography Consent
I agree to the Photography/Videography policy.
I, the parent/legal guardian of the child listed above, give my consent to the photographing, videoing, or any other means of recording the child listed above by Operation Shoestring staff, any of its partners, or designated third-party affiliates as deemed appropriate.
Transportation Consent
I agree to this Transportation policy.
I, the parent/legal guardian of the child listed above, give my permission to be transported on the Operation Shoestring van and/or Jackson Public Schools transportation to and from Galloway Elementary. My child has permission to be transported to and from approved field trips on transportation arranged by Operation Shoestring.
A separate permission slip is required for each field trip. Should there be an occasion for children to walk to and/or from Galloway, Operation Shoestring and/or a satellite location: All children will walk under the direct supervision of Operation Shoestring staff. At each street crossing a staff person will verify that oncoming traffic is aware of the intended crossing and have come to a complete stop. Before signaling for children to cross, staff will post a crossing guard holding a stop sign in front of the stopped traffic. One staff person will be first to cross and another will be last to cross at the end of the group.
Educational Records Release
I agree to this Educational Records Release policy.
I, the parent/legal guardian of the child listed above, grant permission for the release of school records (student achievement records, test scores, progress and attendance reports, MCT2 scores, term grades, and other relevant student assessment data) to Operation Shoestring, Inc. of 1711 Bailey Avenue, Jackson, MS 39203.
Project Rise After-School Program will need to periodically review and utilize educational information and records developed and maintained by the Jackson Public Schools in order to accurately develop and plan interventions to help me help my child manage and balance his/her needs for success in school. It is my understanding that all personal records and information pertaining to my child and family will remain strictly confidential.
This release also gives Project Rise After-School Program permission to confer with my child’s classroom teacher to review and discuss educational, pre/post assessment, attendance and discipline records. I understand that all such records pertaining to my child will remain strictly confidential.
Emergency Medical Treatment Consent
I agree to this Emergency Medical Treatment policy.
I, the parent/legal guardian of the child listed above, give my permission, in case of an emergency, to the staff of Operation Shoestring’s Project Rise After-School to obtain necessary medical care for my child. In the event of a medical emergency, I understand that the staff will attempt to contact me as soon as possible.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Critical Medical Information
Please list any medical or emotional conditions that your child has that the center staff should be aware of.
Preferred Hospital
Parent Handbook Acknowledgement
I have received a copy and read the Parent Handbook for Operation Shoestring Project Rise
I understand and agree to Operation Shoestring Project Rise Parent Handbook policies and procedures as it is stated.
I understand Operation Shoestring Project Rise Photography/Video consent.
I agree and give consent to allow Operation Shoestring to contact any persons listed for Pick-up, Emergency Notification and give Emergency Medical Treatment.
I understand and agree to Operation Shoestring Car Rider Policy, permission for Field Trips and Transportation Policy.
Parent Handbook Acknowledgement
By checking this box, I attest that I have received a copy of Operation Shoestring’s Parent Handbook and a summary of child care licensing regulations.
I have read this release of liability and assumption of risk statement, fully understand the terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement.
In consideration of my minor child/ward (“my child”) being allowed to participate in Operation Shoestring’s Project Rise Afterschool and/or Summer Camps program, and its related events and activities, I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree that:
The risk of serious injury from the activities involved in the class and/or program is always present due to the nature of the program, and for myself, spouse, and child, I knowingly and freely assume all such risks and assume full responsibility for my child’s participation.
I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Operation Shoestring, its officers, officials, agents, employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, applicable owners and lesser of premises used for Operation Shoestring activities (“Releasees”), with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, regarding my child and/or arising from his/her activities, whether arising from negligence of the releasees or otherwise, except for willful misconduct, or otherwise to the fullest extent of the law.
Transportation Information
Dear Parents, Our after-school students are transported to Operation Shoestring from Galloway Elementary School as both a courtesy and expense of the Jackson Public School District. It is imperative that we respect their generosity and the terms of our transportation agreement. Therefore, we must comply with the same rules and regulations that Jackson Public Schools enforce for all of its bus riders. This means the following: – Students who are suspended from the bus will be suspended from our program for the same number of days. – Any student that causes habitual behavior on the bus will be suspended from the after-school program. The student will then be required to get home by whatever means were established with the school system upon their enrollment in Galloway Elementary School. – If a student’s behavior becomes disrespectful, disruptive, or dangerous for himself/herself, the driver, Operation Shoestring staff, or other students, he/she will be suspended from the after-school program. We thank you in advance for your cooperation regarding this matter and look forward to peaceful, pleasant bus rides for the remainder of the school year. Please check the box below to indicate that you understand and support our efforts to maintain our transportation relationship with the Jackson Public School District. Sincerely, Star Pool, Program Coordinator Operation Shoestring, Inc.
Child's Name
Child's Grade Level
I agree to this Transportation policy.
I, the parent/legal guardian of the child listed above, have read the above transportation notice. We both understand and support efforts to provide safe and orderly transportation for my child(ren) to Operation Shoestring from Galloway Elementary School.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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